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26 September 2016

Cold London Weather Is Coming...

Your skin is not only the biggest organ on your body but it’s also your presentation card to the world. This is why tattoos and other forms of decorations are so important to some people when it comes to their skin. Skins tell stories, they also tell you how a person is feeling. Often times the first indicator that someone is ill in any way or even if they hadn’t had a good night’s sleep. This is why keeping your skin hydrated and happy is one of the most important things you can do.

So yes, drinking plenty of water and making sure you’re applying sunscreen are some of the basic steps toward taking care of your sin but there is so much more you could be doing. Particularly now that the colder months are starting our skin tends to suffer greatly, even more in than in the summer. During the summer we take extra strides to making sure our skin is healthy and away from the sun but in the winter we seem to forget all that and start to slack off with the application of balms or sunscreen. The weather also tends to be a lot drier and this means that we lose moisture much faster but because we’re cold we tend not to realize it and crave less water.

So what are you to do? Remember keeping your skin happy means drinking enough liquids. It also means applying sunscreen every day and if you’ve really let yourself go or find that no matter what your skin is looking a bit dull then try a hot oil treatment. A good way to have an oil treatment all over your skin (since your face is not the only part you should be taking care of) is to book a tantric massage. A tantric massage will not only deal with your entire body in terms of applying hydrating and nurturing oils but it will also be wonderful to let go of all your negative energy and it can actually boost your metabolism. That will surely keep your skin healthy looking all through winter.