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16 December 2016

Each Tantric Massage Is Unique

Often tantric massages are described as journeys. It’s never the case that a tantric massage has a prescribed sequence of actions or destination because tantric massages are not a set of rules to follow to get a result but a journey the masseuse and the client embark on in order to find their way together toward ecstasy.

The Sanskrit word Tantra literally means "loom, warp, weave". The Sanskrit root tan means the warping of threads on a loom and suggests the interweaving of traditions and teachings as threads. It is in this spirit which tantra practitioners embark on their journey with those they massage, weaving their own sensual energy with that of their partner, bringing their teachings in alignment with their partner’s desires to help them have the best experience possible.

So, when you’re enjoying a tantric massage the masseuse begins the massage as soon as she greets you and thus every one of her movements, of her practices is a response to what you need in that moment. She’s going to be exploring your desires and your needs and the best way to help you achieve them. She will welcome you to respond through your movements, your breathing and your verbal feedback as to exactly what you need in that moment, if you so wish. Alternatively you may lay back and justy experience being led on your sensual journey. Your next massage might begin differently, the development might vary and you might even try different techniques but the end result is always geared toward your spiritual and sensual awakening. You’ll know that a masseuse is truly well learned when she can quickly change the course of a massage if need be and is always looking out for cues from your body. This is one of the reasons you two are considered tantric partners during your massage. Your energies, represented by Shiva and Shakti, will feed off each other and thus create true harmony.