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18 June 2017

Psychological Benefits Of Tantric Massage

Often when we read articles about the benefits of getting a tantric massage in London, we read things about the amazing sexual benefits that come with the massages. There are also plenty of articles detailing how a tantric massage can show you the basics of pranayama (the breathing techniques used during the massage) in order to help you have a better quality of life. These articles are wonderfully detailed and mostly true but there are very few articles discussing how the sensuality of a tantric massage can also help you deal with psychological factors that might be causing you distress and the truth is that they should be discussed more often because our psychological wellbeing is just as important as our physical health. Tantric massages truly are then a powerful weapon to help those who are suffering from psychological factors that sometimes do not even have a pill made to counteract them, things like sadness (not depression), low self-esteem and even body dysmorphia can truly be helped through Tantric Massages. The reasoning behind this is simple: tantric massages help you secrete hormones that will make you feel better but also help you see how incredible your body is, as your body then becomes a portal to your pleasure.

Self-esteem problems are actually the most common that tantric masseuses see in young men and women that come to Tantra for help. Your masseuse is there to show you how you are incredible as you are and how you can achieve sensual and spiritual satisfaction if only you give yourself the opportunity to. Your masseuse will help you realize the incredible power you hold and show you what an intimate experience you can create for yourself and others the moment you see that power within yourself.