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02 April 2017

Connecting To An Inner Peace

Just the concept of ‘disconnecting’ in today’s society is a bit controversial. We have so many options when it comes to connecting to other people that it seems the idea of disconnecting would make us feel lonely and yet more people than ever before insist that they feel very lonely. So what can you do to stop this feeling of isolation and stress? You must disconnect. Even though you think that’s the last thing you want to do sometimes you just have to take the plunge and say ‘I am going to disconnect from the outside world’ and instead turn inward to connect with your inner self.

This might sound easy but it can be much harder than most people think. We are so used to having our phones, the internet and a busy schedule, and these demands and temptations can immediately pull us back into getting lost in this fast paced existence once again. So, it’s not unusual to want a little help disconnecting from the outside world and making a connection with the inner world. This is where a tantric massage can truly help you realize that sometimes being away from everything else can be very, very beneficial. If you’re just sitting around you might feel this horrible sense of loss but if you’re joined by a tantric masseuse to help you deal with your time and make you feel comfortable and connected not just to her but to yourself you’ll find that being away for a couple of hours is something you’re going to want to do at least once a week. The massage’s sensual side helps you focus on your body, helps keep your mind from wandering and as long as you’re focused here then there is no reason for you to feel lonely. If you do suddenly get the need to check your social media all you need to do is look around you and feel your masseuse’s alluring and comforting touch. The way she moves, the way she brings her body close to yours, the way she whispers in your ear… all that should bring you back into enjoying your actual time with someone in reality and leaving virtual reality aside… even if it’s only a couple of hours.