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04 November 2016

Reflexology For Sensual Relaxation

Sensual reflexology is a harmonious coming together of eroticism and medical biology that is guaranteed to impress upon you the sheer magnitude of the benefits of tantra. This specialize art requires the power of two willing bodies to truly enough the payoff of tantric reflexology. Luckily Bespoke Tantric provides a uniquely intimate tantric massage experience allowing you to get fully acquainted with your beautiful tantric masseuse before your massage through their selfies and personally written bios. There is no better place to find a partner, playmate and guide to begin reaping the benefits of reflexology from your tantric massage.

Our lucky clients will be glad to know that a massage is the ideal way to harness the potential of sexual reflexology. The process involves working the entire body from earlobe to toe so it is also an ideal way to build tension, harnessing the whole body’s sexual energy, killing two birds with one stone – along with a lot of built up stresses and tensions which your masseuse will caress away. When your tantric goddess performs reflexology on you you’ll be left tingling with pleasure from head to toe.

Working from your head downwards your beautiful masseuse will expertly apply pressure to the more receptive and interconnected points of your body. The process will not only help you relax and unwind into your massage but also assist the channeling of your energies through your body, building up a sensual force to be reckoned with. Starting with the body’s largest sex organ (the brain!) allows you to become fully conscious of every sensation and to practice control of your sexual energy as your masseuse works your whole body to the point of release. A reflexology massage provides relaxation, rejuvenation and creates an overall sense of well being as it helps flush toxins out of the body. Your masseuse can target specific points, tailoring your massage to suit your requirements or simply focus on pampering you and ensuring you leave feeling your very best.

Reflexology is truly amazing as many of the areas targeted by the practice need assistance for recovery. If toxins are building up in your lymphatic system a reflexology massage can speed up the process of releasing them from your system. Without our lovely talented masseuses help this can take weeks, leaving you feeling unnecessarily run down after a bout of flu or even the common cold.

You may never have known the extent our beautiful tantric masseuses can improve your wellbeing. But they are not just a pretty face – book a reflexology session with one of our stunning professional masseuses to begin feeling the benefits of reflexology on top of the pleasure and relaxation of your erotic massage.